First group of volunteers 2008

400_1On March 7th, the first group of Global Village volunteers arrived in Beiuş to kick off a new year of construction. Led by Jim and June Doston from Wise County Habitat for Humanity affiliate from Wise, Virginia, 11 American volunteers came here to work.

In just a week, they made two foundations and made preparations for the projectsHabitat Romanes “and” Easter House. The first foundation for the Farcut family home in Mizieş is for the Easter House which will be built in a week. The second foundation for the Nagy family home in Feneriş, is waiting for another team of volunteers which will build the Nagy family’s house. Loved by all of the Habitat Beiuş office and site workers, for their hard work and optimism, the team are an example for other GV teams that will arrive this year in Beius.
