Celestica week

P8250024-Angelo-CogliatiNearly 100 volunteers from the Celestica company in Oradea gave a helping hand to build Habitat houses for youth who have not had the chance to be grow up by the parents that gave them life. Habitat for Humanity Beius has launched an partnership with the Foundation Caminul Felix Oradea. The two organizations have jointly proposed the next 3-5 years to build 83 homes for youth who were raised in the Caminul Felix in foster homes, some abandoned at birth or others who have lost their natural parents. Some of them have now reached adulthood and married, but adoptive parents can not provide them housing and security. Thus was born the partnership between Habitat and Caminul Felix was launched “Caminul Habitat” project.

“Habitat is an association supporting vulnerable social groups to build new houses or to rehabilitate their own homes if they no longer provide a safe and healthy environment. After initial discussions with the one who are in the present our partner, Caminul Felix, I understand that this project is “like a glove” for us and I started looking for supporters of the project. The company who answered to our first call was Celestica, two months ago.” says Emil Popa, communications manager at Habitat for Humanity Beius.

P8230235-Poza-grup-Celestica-23-augustCelestica company first sent volunteers on the Habitat site in Oradea in July. Then they laid the foundation stone at one of the foundations of houses to be constructed under the project. One month later, the first house is covered, another one have the walls up and three more are in various stages with the foundations. Much of this progress is due to volunteers from the Canadian company that between 23 and 27 August has sent volunteers to the site daily. Even if they have no experience in construction, they work under the guidance of specialists from Habitat and Caminul Felix. We were honored to have among the volunteers on Wednesday Mr Angelo Cogliati, Celestica vice president for operations in Europe, who worked on the insulation of a dwelling and was extremely pleased with this initiative.

“I realized today that is more enjoyable to get involved, to put shoulder to build these houses thus fulfilling the dreams of young people in the community where we are, where Celestica operate. Glad I was able to attend for several hours as a volunteer and I will certainly return” confesses Angelo Cogliati, VP Operations Celestica Europe.

Until Friday nearly 100 volunteers worked from pouring concrete to insulation, plastering walls or improvement of houses from Caminul Habitat project.

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